The real reason why you’ll stop clubbing when you grow older
Amsterdam Dance Event is on its way! Which raises a question: Why is clubbing predominantly the domain of people in their twenties? You might think this has just to do

Say. But above of all, listen.
How come that we people, despite good intentions, often fail to understand each other? This is mainly caused by what you say, how you say and how you listen. What

6 tips to cure a hoarse voice
It’s the time of the year again. Sooner or later, you know that you’ll suffer from either a cold or a flue. For singers this can be extra annoying, especially

Stage fright: The performers paradox
Maybe this sounds familiar: you have a strong urge to get out there, share your art in front of an audience. But when you’re about to do so, you’d rather

4 reasons why we should pay attention to breathing
Breathing is the first and most important thing we do to stay alive. We need to absorb oxygen and expel carbon dioxide through our lungs, 24/7. However, this all happens