This is why your voice is not always within your conscious control
Why do we speed up our speech or raise our pitch when we are nervous? And why does it seem like all of this happens outside of our conscious control?

The self-help industry: Where’s the catch?
I work with people and their voices. If you have the feeling that because of your voice, you don’t come across as who you really are, it is nice to

Dealing with anxiety in times of uncertainty – Part 2: Grow your resilience
In my previous post I talked about the difference between pain and suffering, and how childhood core wounds can trigger unnecessary suffering in your adult life. In this post, I

Dealing with anxiety in times of uncertainty – Part 1: pain and suffering
I think it is safe to say that everyone has been swept out of their comfort zone to some extent, lately. COVID-19 confronts us in a painful manner with the

Why my name doesn’t say anything about my cultural identity
Amsterdam, the place where I was born and lived for almost my entire life, has become one of the most culturally diverse cities I know. We have welcomed lots of

The terrestrial overview effect: an exercise in interconnectedness
Some astronauts experience a cognitive shift in awareness when they look at planet earth from space. They get overwhelmed by the fragility and unity of life on the globe, become