Voice problems as signs of positive Disintegration

This presentation is made for the 15th International Dabrowski Congress in Denver, Colorado, 2022.

In two case studies I will demonstrate how I use overexcitabilities and dynamisms in voice coaching, and how consequently the voice can be a counsellor in someone’s developmental process. Our voice is a barometer for our emotional state. And because of the strong emotional charge of OE’s and certain disintegrating dynamisms, these show themselves powerfully through the voice. In such cases, voice problems are not mere physical or psychological disturbances, but symptoms of inner conflict and disintegration. The voice then serves as the canary in the coal mine, signaling when change in other areas is necessary or even inevitable.

Voice training

Communicate with decisiveness and expressiveness

Emotion regulation

Get a grip on your voice through the autonomic nervous system

Voice training

Communicate with decisiveness and expressiveness

Singing lessons

Anyone can experience the joy of singing


VOICE: A Multifaceted Approach to Self-Growth and Vocal Empowerment